5a task one (btec media)
Choose three examples of digitally produced products and compare their uses.
Analyse their use, platforms of distribution, audience and purpose, then present on your blog.
Digitally produced products are products such as e-magazines, leaflets, dvd covers, e-newsletters and more. These products are made and distributed on online platforms or digital products (technology) sold from the producer to the consumer. The product can be digitally stored after its purchase, and can can be sold many times. Digitally produced products are used differently depending on the product that Is being used. For example e-magazines and and e-books are usually consumed for leisurely reading. On the other hand digital products such as training materials and leaflets are consumed in order to inform and educate the consumer, they are normally used for work purposes instead of leisure. All digitally produced products are aimed at individuals with certain demographics and psychographics, however they are available to everyone with access to technology. You can consume digital products online for viewing, downloading, using a e-book reader or a games console, stored electronically or on a smart device. In this blog I shall compare three digitally produced products, comparing their audience, uses, platforms of distribution and purpose.
- The Greatest Showman DVD cover
This digitally produced product Is a DVD cover that is used for packaging the DVD in. Although not a reading material that is distributed digitally, it was made using digital technology, such as editing software. When purchasing the DVD the consumer will first look at the its cover, looking for features such as images, a storyline breakdown, actors names, age ratings and more. We can see that this DVD cover offers some of those features; how does it use them to promote this product?
- Famous actors - At the top of the DVD cover we can identify the names of multiple famous actors involved with the film. Additionally we can see pictures of some of those famous actors. By using famous actors in their DVD cover the audience is more obliged to buy the product as they want to watch any film associated to the famous actor. By the producer putting this on the DVD cover, the consumer is more likely too see them, possibly leading to more revenue generated.
- Colour - the DVD cover includes multiple high and low key colours that attract the eye of the consumer. By using multiple colours the target audience is more likely to be drawn to it.
- The back cover of this DVD cover features a description of the story. This is used to inform the audience of what occurs in the movie while also promoting it to entice people to watch it.
- Screenshots of movie scenes - helps the audience identify what the film will be about and shows them a sneak peak.
- Font and title - the font and title of this DVD cover is bold and colourful, used to grab the audineces attention and tells them the movies name.
- The main front cover picture - this picture shows the audience the genre of the movie, we can identify that the genre is most likely to be adventure, comedy and romance. The picture shows multiple characters with expressions of love leading the audience to easily identify what genre this would be.
- Age rating - the cover features an age rating of “PG” giving the consumer an idea of who the target audience is and if it is family friendly.
- Production company’s logo - the consumer can identify who made and produced the film, they may want to consume this media solely based on who produced it.
- “featuring the academy award winning lyricists of LA LA LAND” - consumers who liked that movie may like this move based on its connection to the other film.
- Other information - other information is presented at the back of the cover including the run time, the audio type, languages and more, this offers the consumer more information so they know what they are buying.
This is "The Greatest Showman" DVD cover produced digitally to promote the film and entice consumers to buy this product. This product is not distributed or published using an online platform, instead this product has been digitally produced in order to be printed off and implemented onto a physical product (the DVD) this product is therefore not downloadable, however it can be screen shotted or added to online platforms such as the internet. This products function is not to be sold as it is not a product, instead it is a promotion method for a product. the purpose of this DVD cover is to inform the audience member of the storyline, telling them what it is about and what it may contain. additionally it is used by the publisher to promote the film in order to generate more sales. The DVD cover uses many features to promote the product; these are listed above. In my opinion I feel that this product has multiple target audiences. I feel that the main target audience that it appeals to is children of ages 3 - 16, this is because they are most likely to find the cover appealing. the cover uses, colourful pictures, presents the characters as happy and has genres that may appeal to the younger audience. On the other hand I feel that the secondary audience that this may appeal to is adults in ages 25 - 70, I feel this as the dvd cover's purpose is to promote the product to the consumer. The people who are most likely to buy this product are the adults of the children wanting to watch this movie. To make sure that the DVD cover is appropriate and targeted at adults the producer of this media product has ensured that it looks family friendly, shows themes or happiness and love, includes a age rating, and includes a plot summary so that they know what they or their children shall be watching. I feel that this cover is not aimed at any particular gender, race or income, however it may appeal to families more than single individuals. I feel that the psychographics that this would appeal to would be reformers and explorers, these psychographics seek enlightenment and discovery. These psychographics are normally associated with the younger audiences, however I feel that this can also apply to the older audiences that consume this product. How is this product used by the audience? This product is used by the audience to inform and educate them, they desire knowledge on what this movie is about so they read the DVD cover to seek this information.
2) men’s fitness e-magazine
This digitally produced product is a e-magazine based on fitness, distributed online for a specific target audience. This products purpose/ use is to be consumed by readers out of enjoyment; this is a leisurely read for people that want to be informed about the latest fitness routines, male models and more content within the magazine. Although most people shall read this for leisure, some people such as gym instructors or personal trainers may read this to assist them in the work place. I feel that there is multiple target audiences for this product, however the main target audience would be men. We can identify that the magazine is aimed at men by the use of the word “men’s fitness” implying it has a lot to do with men rather than women. Additionally I feel that this magazine would be aimed at men between the ages of 16 - 35, this is because these demographics are the most likely to be consistently active and concerned about the way they look. I feel that this magazine does not appeal solely to anyone of any race, marital status or occupation, however people may feel that the presents of a white male excludes their skin type, they therefore may respond negatively to this. Additionally, I feel that this magazine Is not aimed at anyone of any particular income however I feel that younger audiences such as the 16 year old demographics are less likely to afford it than the older demographics meaning it may be more suited for older individuals. I feel that this e-magazine is mainly catered to aspirers as they seek status, they are orientated to image and appearance, fashion and persona, these are usually younger people. This may however also appeal to some women or people who are just interested in fitness in general.
The purpose of this e-magazine is to inform and educate as well as entertain. Dependent on the person consuming the magazine they shall consume the product differently. For example people who are less active may look at this for enjoyment or may look at it to educate themselves on new routines. However people who regularly consume this sort of magazine seek the knowledge and information held within it. The purpose of the front cover is to persuade people to buy the product. Using controversial quotations such as “48 hours of sex (instructions inside)”, using a male model topless and using topic titles such as “6 pack abs” entices readers to consume this product. These controversial things are placed on the front cover to provoke people to buy the product. This is a successful way of doing so as people desire information such as this, they are interested in the contents of the magazine and therefore buy it.
Because this is an e-magazine this product is distributed online using platforms such as e-books, apple iPad, kindle and other smart readers. The use of these digital platforms are successful in getting the product to the consumer fast and easily. The producer of this magazine may want to use a online distribution method as people of the younger ages are more likely to consume this on their phones or tablets as they spend a lot of time on them. Additionally younger people may feel that carrying around paper magazines is inconvenient for them, meaning it is much easier to store and consume it online.
How does the e-magazine appeal to the audience?
- controversial quotations - uses controversial quotations in order to get people talking about the subject or to entice them to read the content within.
- attractive female - Uses a attractive female on the front cover in order to entice men to read the magazine.
- attractive male - Uses an attractive male model on the front cover to appeal to women or to make other men read the magazine in order to look like the male model.
- Celebrity - Uses a famous person to potentially gain sales - people are drawn to things that have celebrities associated to them, they are more likely to buy it.
- Low key colours - low key colours are used to highlight the male models attractive features making him stand out, drawing the readers eye.
- Controversial image - makes the reader want to look further in the magazine to see other pictures
- Bold text - adds emphasis onto the text shown, shows what the magazine is talking about/offers.
3) BBC news uk weather
This digitally produced product is a e-newspaper, explaining the current snow hazards to its readers. The purpose of this product is to inform and educate the reader on the most up to date news. It can also be used for integration and social interaction as it offers the individuals reading it something to talk about with others. People may read these articles just so they have something to talk to others about, they may also see it as a social guide.
Much like a printed news paper, this e-magazine features multiple stories in one place. There are a couple of target audiences for this product however the main target audience that is most likely to read this digital product is younger to middle ages readers, ages between 25 - 60. Seeing as this is a digital product and lots of the older generation (60 and above) don’t not fully understand how technology works they may find it hard to get along with this type of media distribution. This media distribution is aimed mainly at people that can work technology and prefer a digital product. Younger people and middle aged people are more likely to be able to navigate their way around the website and find the information that they seek. Additionally, this product is not targeted specifically at and gender or race; it is not aimed at people with a particular marital status, or of any education level. Although not targeted at any specific education level, some basic knowledge is required to read and consume media such as this, this means that younger audiences such as people under the age of 13, may not be able to comprehend what the news article is saying. Additionally I feel that the younger audiences such as 14 - 20 year olds are less likely to consume this type of media regularly as they may have no interest in it or find it “uncool”. They may however find by having it digitally at their demand they may use it occasionally instead of all the time, making it convenient. Additionally this is not aimed at anyone of any income level as the product can be consumed freely with no added charge. You do not have to pay for a physical copy meaning unemployed people, students and “rich” people can all consume this media alike.
This product can be consumed using a phone, tablet, computer, smart device and e-book reader ect, and is accessible on the website. This product has been posted online on a website for online viewing. It is easily accessible and convenient for the consumer of the article. I feel that middle ages people are most likely to keep up to date with the news, using this product regularly when commuting, working or just for escape. They are most likely to read this for leisure, and to keep up with what is happening in the world around them. Form the website they can keep up with all types of news without having to go out of their way or our of their home to get the product as it is online waiting for them already. The psychographic that this applies to the most world be the reformers and the explorers; they seek discovery and enlightenment. These psychographics have a desire to be socially aware to improve themselves, meaning this product is suitable for them.
What are the other features of this media product?
- A bold title - the title shows the reader what the article is about quickly.
- A picture/image - allows the reader to get an idea of what the article may be about before they have even read any of the text. It can also be used to show context or reinforce the messages in the text.
- Clock icon - tells the reader how recent the article was published, lets them know how up to date they are.
- Other social medias linked - the reader can look at other platforms, get in contact with the news article reporter or interact with others concerning the article
- Sharing ability - the reader is able to share the article online so that he or she can talk about it with someone else or expose someone else to the recent news
- Top stories - the article links other top stories and other related stories that may also apply to the reader. The reader no longer has to search for the stories as they have been linked to the current one.
- Bold writing - shows the audience that the text is of importance
- Other related images - related images allows the audience to further understand what is happening. In this article there are picture that illustrate where is being effected by the snow, this allows readers to easily find if they are going be or have been impacted by the snow.
- Live news - The article features a “latest news” section that show the most up to date news, updated frequently.
- Convenience - all of the articles are available in the same place, they are easily accessible and can be reached from anywhere with internet access. People require no physical product as they have it here on their smart device.
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